As I was editing Granny's manuscript I came across two traditional Dalmatian remedies for colds kidney stones and back ache
Dalmatian Winter Syrup
1 litre (1_ pints) of water.
Rogac (carob beans) about six pods.
8 dried figs.
10 prunes and a handful of wild mountain sage.
250gms (10oz) of sugar.
Bring water and sugar to boiling point, making sure the sugar has melted before it boils, as for jam making. Add all other ingredients and simmer for 2 or 3 hours until the fluid is a thick syrup. Strain and bottle for use in the case of a cough or sore throat. There are many carob, or John the Baptist trees on the island, including four in our garden.
A Syrup for Kidney Stones
A variation of the Dalmatian winter syrup includes a dozen almonds in their skins to the other ingredients. This is said to ease the presence of kidney stones or gravel in the kidneys.
Cure for Back Ache
To remedy backache the roots of the asparagus are dug up, beaten and boiled and the resulting liquid applied to the affected area of the back while still warm.
Just thought I would share those with you. Until next time, happy reading.
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